I have a newly found friend that told me of his Mom passing away, and the family's possessions were being divided up among him and his siblings...He was given the choice between picking the many photographs of the family...or his great grandmother's crazy quilt top...A wonderful collection of vivid silk fabrics all sewn together and embroidered with fancy stitchings along the seams where the pieces were joined. The quilt never got finished for one reason or another...but it was still a wonderful masterpiece. What a hard choice to make! My friend was a young man in his mid twenties then, and surprisingly he picked the quilt. When he shared that story with me, it gave me an insight into who he really was deep inside. I had found a kindred spirit.
Things have changed since the 1970's. Now he can borrow the pictures that his sister got and scan them into his computer and have a CD made of his family's photos ... But nothing can duplicate his precious quilt. His heart had made the right choice.
(The quilt picture in this post..is not the quilt made by my friend's great grandma)
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